Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Our newest Lil' Fish

I am a freak about children and water and drowning! Many years ago (shortly after Matt and I were married actually), a dear friend lost her 3 year old daughter in a drowning accident at their apartment. It really traumatized and frightened me. In a matter of seconds a child can go from having fun and playing games to death. As a lifeguard, I had more than one occasion where I had to tell parents that their kids 'floaties' were slipping down their arms. All too often the parents were visiting with their friends or reading books and not paying any attention to the kids....that was my job but I only have 2 eyes and there were lots of kids in the pool!

To this day, I don't go to a local park (without Matt) because they have a pond and I worry about kids falling in the water. I just get so nervous, it makes me crazy! The kids love to feed bread to ducks, then they run from the ducks....remember there is water....most of it without a fence or barrier of any type. Kids, toddlers especially, are top heavy and most often do not know how to center their weight and so they topple over...right into the water if that is where they are squatting. Have you ever gone to a neighborhood pool and watched how many kids run towards the water the minute they get there? How many parents have their arms full of all the 'pool things'? What about infants in baby floats? They can lean too far over (in any direction) and they are face first in the water. What about small inflatable pools in the back yard? Have you ever noticed how slippery the sides get...especially when you are covered in sunscreen? Imagine going under and trying to pull yourself up on a slick surface? It is hard! Last but not least (really I could just keep going and going) let's not forget the life jacket that doesn't fit! Hello folks...they have weight restrictions for a reason. Spend the money to get one that fits...even if you have to do that each and every season! It does no good if the kid is too small and their body goes down while the life jacket stays up! Okay enough of my rantings...I did mention that I am a bit crazy about this subject!

To help with my problem, we enrolled Porter in Infant Survival Swimming classes from the time he was 2 years old. This gave me tremendous peace of mind. He knows how to float and rest until help arrives or swim underwater to safety. Porter took lessons and this refresher lessons for the past 3 summers. He will start learning swimming strokes this summer but safety and survival are under control! It is like riding a bike, once the skill is learned, he will always know it!

We have started lessons with Dixon now. Porter's instructor isn't teaching anymore so I had to find a new one. We like our new instructor but wish she lived 30 miles! Again...did I mention I am crazy about water safety? It is worth my time and money to get Dixon these lessons...He is doing great and when he done with lessons, I will have peace of mind that he will know what to do in water whether he jumps in to play or falls in fully clothed by accident, he will know how to respond.

This is Dixon on his first day. He was learning to hold his breath and swim underwater.

Here is Dixon learning to float.
More floating after a 'roll over'.

It is hard to tell but here is was kicking his feet really good. That was something he had to learn also.

Great job little fish! We are going to have a great summer playing at the pool now! (Of course, I will just tone out everyone but my guys so we can have fun without mommy going nuts!)


Jared and Katy said...

What a GREAT idea...I would enroll my kids (if I had them) in that class also, I can't wait to see you next so you can tell me all about it. I have many questions!

Jaime said...

that's very cool. thanks for reminding me, it's almost time for me to sign mine up for summer swim lessons, I agree how scary it is. I don't like going w/o Danny either.

JenGMomof2Boys said...

was this through an individual instructor or a group or what?! I'm curious! Owen hasn't had lessons since he was a baby!