Monday, June 16, 2008

Fun in the Sun....or not!

We had great plans to spend the day at Crazy Lisa's house for an afternoon playing at the pool and grilling out burgers for Saturday night. The weather had other plans....we try real hard not to complain too much since we know first hand how precious rain water is for our part of the world. We still had a grill master undeterred by the rain who cooked up mighty tasty burgers for us to enjoy inside while the weather continued to dampen the pool party. Thanks to cartoons the kiddies played while the ladies chatted.

The rain did stop that evening at dark and we ventured outside. The baby was ready for bed but big brother was having nothing to do with going to bed without swimming. Out we go...all of us....we made sure the house was secure while we swam...well, maybe a little too secure as we realized we were locked out of the house. The good news is we couldn't break into the house. The bad news is that a child with a key was 1 hour away! Luckily the weather turned nice and everyone (minus me and the baby) got to enjoy a nice long night time swim!

All in all it turned out to be a good day and if we get invited back, we are up for another attempt at our day for fun in the sun!

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