Friday, August 15, 2008

Porter Has Started School

Porter started Pre-K at the elementary school. He gets to ride the school bus to and from school. He is loving every minute of school! He has made new friends. The most amazing part of this newest adventure is that he will wake up and be dressed and ready for the bus in under 10 minutes! He seems so grown up to if it happened overnight. I love to see the excitement in his face when he talks about school.

It has been fun to hear him sing little songs that he has learned. He even asks me, 'who is the author ?' when we read bedtime stories. It is funny because I know that he doesn't really know the authors it is just something his teacher must point out during their story time.
We have also started fundraising...yes in Pre-K!! We are selling Sally Foster (wrapping paper and such) so if anyone is interested.....let us know!

Here is my big guy ready for the bus!

Here is a picture from the 2nd day....

The second best part of school....I have time to get housework taken care of without a helper. It is wonderful to get the floor mopped and let it stay clean and milk spills free for a few hours! Dixon is too small to get into messes at this point.


Jared and Katy said...

Awww...I remember my first day! So fun!

Tiffany said...

That is funny about the "author". The other night Adrienne informed me that authors are the ones that write the books she likes to read. On another note, I can't believe they are old enough to go to school. Seems like only yesterday we were comparing pregnancy symptoms.