Saturday, July 19, 2008

Is That Bus Driver Bob?

It is official, Matt is licensed to drive a school bus! Why you ask? Matt was offered a job in another school system and after much pondering and prayer, he decided to change schools. The new school does not allow any transportation of students except on school buses. Since he the FFA advisor, he takes students to several competitions , field trips and even conventions during the year. To help with saving money in his budget, he needed to get his CDL and be the bus driver. The down side of this was the training began the day he finished post planning with the previous school and really cut into his summer vacation. The up side is .....

Porter thinks his dad has the "coolest job ever"! Porter can't wait to ride on his daddy's bus....HMM....I hope we can arrange that!!


Jaime said...

that's so cute how the boys look up to their dads. what school is he at, still in same county?

Jared and Katy said...

That is VERY cute! What a good idea! I hope they have fun field trips!

Unknown said...

OMG! That is sooo funny!! And you probably made fun of Paul b/c he had to ride the bus and now you DRIVE the bus!!! maybe you can work for Extreme Home Makeover...MOVE THAT BUS!!! hahahahah