Monday, June 16, 2008

Happy Father's Day

I have been blessed with a great father. He is a man who is very generous. He has always provided for our family. Even now, he never visits without bringing goodies of some sort and special snacks for the boys. When the pantry/freezer gets sparse around here, I know that all I need to do is tell Dad and he will quickly fill the empty shelves for us. His example of generosity is a trait of his that I have worked to make a part of my life. I always try to help others out when they are in need. Thanks for always being there for me, Dad!

We had the opportunity to spend the day with my family and honor all the men in our life. What a great way to spend the sabbath! Big brother and his cousin got to go to primary with Aunt Nora and Uncle David....they always LOVE to visit Nanny and Papa's ward when it means getting to go to primary with the world's best teachers!!

Celebrating our love for fathers would not be complete without taking the time to remember Ray (Matt's dad). We lost him much too soon when he passed away in July 2005 after a brief fight with esophageal cancer. We will always treasure the example of love and tenderness that we learned from Ray. He loved his family and always put there needs before his own...the result is that his sons grew to be great father's themselves.

To the men in my life...I love you!!

1 comment:

Caglefamily said...

what a cute page, I am so glad you are blogging. It will be so fun o keep up.